Aug 25, 2023 Uncategorised AMC Team 400 views

omega 3 healthy fats food

Omega-3 is a term we may hear regularly, but how familiar are we with the wide range of benefits this source of fatty acids offers?

Particularly for menopausal women, these essential nutrients can pack a punch when it comes to delivering numerous health benefits in a single food source. Understanding these benefits can equip women navigating menopause with the awareness they need to ensure they’re getting regular servings of Omega-3 in their diets, giving their health a quick boost on multiple fronts. 

If you’re not yet familiar with why Omega-3 has such a great reputation, it’s time to officially make its acquaintance.

What are Omega-3 fatty acids?

When our bodies don’t produce essential acids, it’s necessary for us to source them in our diet. Introducing Omega-3 fatty acids: a powerful group of essential acids necessary to our daily wellbeing.

There are three types of fatty acids our bodies need: ALA, DHA, and EPA. ALA is commonly found in plant sources, while DHA and EPA are common in fatty fish and algae.

Once ingested, ALA can be converted by our internal systems into DHA and EPA. However, since this isn’t the most efficient process, consuming ALA directly from its source can be more beneficial for balancing our fatty acid needs. 

What are Omega-3 fatty acids’ health benefits?

Looking for a great way to build a healthy and balanced lifestyle? Turn to Omega-3 fatty acids. Their wide range of health benefits include:

  • Heart health support – well known for its ability to reduce heart disease risk factors, Omega-3 fatty acids can contribute to reductions in cholesterol levels, blood pressure and inflammation risks. Since they can also play a key part in reducing the likelihood of blood clots by slowing plaque development in arteries, incorporating these fatty acids can be a proactive way to support a healthy heart in the long term.
  • Brain health support – Omega-3s are also a fantastic source of support for a healthy brain. 
  • Eye health support – DHA, found in Omega-3s, is a key structural component in our retinas. By eating enough Omega-3 fatty acids, you can support your eye health by lowering the risk of macular degeneration, which can lead to all kinds of challenges (including vision impairment and blindness) if developed. 
  • Reductions to inflammation levels – struggling with inflammation? Turn to Omega-3s. Their anti-inflammatory properties can make quick work of reducing inflammation levels throughout the body, having a positive impact on the risk reduction of chronic diseases (such as heart disease, cancer, and arthritis).
  • Support for bone and joint health. Struggling with creaky joints or weakening bones? Turn to Omega-3s. These essential acids can reduce the symptoms of arthritis and the risk of ongoing joint problems, as well as providing key calcium support that reduces the likelihood of developing osteoporosis.
  • The promotion of high-quality sleep. Research has demonstrated that both DHA and EPA Omega-3 fatty acids can play a key role in helping us to fall asleep easier and achieve a higher quality of sleep overall. With research identifying the ability of Omega-3 fatty acids to support great sleep, this can be a valuable help for menopausal women who are experiencing the impacts of menopause within disrupted sleep cycles. If you are struggling with a healthy sleep pattern, it’s time to increase your Omega-3 intake.

What’s the best way to add Omega-3 fatty acids into your diet?

One of the best parts about Omega-3’s health benefits? They’re easy to access. This powerhouse source of nutrition can easily be added into your regular food intake, no matter whether you’re following a specific diet (such as vegetarianism) or not.

Foods that can add a great kick of Omega-3 fatty acids into your diet include:

  • Salmon, mackerel, and other fatty fish sources. Packed full of nutrients we need for healthy functioning, these fatty vegetables are more versatile than you may assume. Consider opting for sardines on toast for breakfast, some seared salmon with quinoa for lunch, and a tin of mackerels when you’re in need of a quick and satisfying snack. 
  • Chia seeds – these small but mighty seeds pack a health-benefit punch. Yes, they’re high in Omega-3 fatty acids, but they’re also full of fibre and protein. This means they’re a fantastic way to hit more of your daily nutrients within a single serving. 
  • Flaxseeds – particularly popular with vegetarians, flaxseeds are a strong plant-based source of Omega-3. They’re also really versatile. Consider adding them to your morning cereal or yoghurt or sprinkling a handful over your next salad. 
  • Walnuts – in these nuts, you’ll not only find Omega-3, but also high levels of antioxidants, making for an easy nutritional win.
  • Hemp seeds – acting as a complete protein source, hemp seeds provide all of the essential amino acids we need in our diet. Find all you need in a single powerful seed that can be put to work as a diverse ingredient.

What about Omega-3 dietary supplements?

Of course, along with getting enough Omega-3 through your diet, there’s also the option to incorporate supplements into your health routine. While some people can consume enough through the foods they eat, others require the help of supplements to stay in great nutritional working order. 

Omega-3 supplements are available in a wide range of forms, giving you plenty of options to find the best fit for your needs. Still trying to figure out where to start? Talk with your GP, who can give you personalised advice about your Omega-3 intake needs within an evaluation of your eating patterns. This can help you find the necessary nutritional support for every stage of your menopause journey. 

Omega-3 recipe recommendations

Ready to increase your intake of Omega-3 fatty acids? Here are some of our favourite recipes that make it easier than ever to access these health benefits:

  • Blueberry Hemp Seed Salad – this salad takes just 5 minutes to prep, giving you the dose you need of Omega-3 within a simple and delicious lunch option.


A well-balanced diet can be foundational to navigating menopause with strong sources of nutritional support. By including Omega-3 fatty acids in your everyday diet, you can support your physical and mental health as you navigate menopause’s changes.

To find more lifestyle advice, treatment support and resources for your menopause journey, connect with the friendly team at Australian Menopause Centre.

About The Author - AMC Team

Our team consists of doctors, nurses, program assistants, naturopaths and nutritionists that join their wealth of knowledge to offer our patients and website visitors interesting and insightful articles to assist you understand the symptoms you are experiencing and how to relieve them.

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