Mar 9, 2023 News Wellness Tips AMC Team 647 views

understand menopause stages

Menopause is one of life’s inevitable and natural biological processes. Marking the end of a woman’s reproductive years, this can be a challenging time for many of us as we come to terms with the physical and emotional changes menopause brings.

While every woman’s journey through menopause is different, information is power when it comes to being prepared for what’s ahead. We’ve gathered a number of tips that can set you up for the smoothest transition possible as you step into this new season.

The importance of seeking assistance

Even though menopause is a natural part of every woman’s life, it’s unfortunately considered by some to be a ‘taboo’ subject, impacting women’s ability to discuss it openly. When there’s a lack of conversation about such a fundamental part of the female experience, this can create isolation and confusion, and keep women from accessing useful tools and treatments that can improve their menopause experience.

We’re passionate about breaking down these barriers. When women feel safe to discuss the changes they’re experiencing, this is the first step towards finding the support necessary for a richer menopause journey. 

Seeking assistance from a proactive and understanding healthcare professional is essential at the beginning of menopause. A doctor can help you to assess your individual circumstances, helping to build an understanding of what changes to expect and introducing you to treatments that can reduce the impact of menopausal symptoms. 

Not only is medical support crucial for each menopause stage, but other resources can be a great help for managing your mental, physical and emotional wellbeing. Support groups can provide women with safe spaces to share their experiences and benefit from each other’s insights and strategies. Sharing your journey with trusted friends and family members can also help to normalise what you’re going through, bringing in social support structures that can reduce the sense of ‘going it alone’.

No matter what kind of external support is best for you, it’s important to remember that there’s always someone who can journey alongside you throughout each nuanced stage and experience.

Understand the physical changes you’ll experience 

Each stage of menopause brings its own physical changes with it, with the severity and timing of these changes varying from woman to woman.

Perimenopause is the first stage of menopause which can last for several years before menopause itself. During this stage, hormone levels begin to fluctuate, leading to changes in menstrual cycle intensities, lengths and timings. 

As oestrogen levels begin to change, this has a flow-on effect across a wide range of bodily functions. Alongside irregularity in menstrual cycles, these fluctuating levels can also introduce hot flushes and night sweats, as well as vaginal dryness, decreased libido, and changes to skin texture and appearance. 

It’s in perimenopause that women may also begin to experience changes in how their weight is distributed. This is also linked to changing hormone levels which are responsible for weight regulation. 

Menopause is defined by the absence of a menstrual period for 12 consecutive months. During this time, physical changes become even more pronounced as the ovaries complete egg production. Oestrogen and progesterone levels drop even further, leading to an increase in physical symptoms that were already present during perimenopause, as well as bringing new physical challenges.

Finally, post-menopause marks the final stage of the menopausal transition. It’s at this time when the body continues to adjust to reduced hormone levels, resulting in a slight improvement across many of the symptoms that have been present during perimenopause and menopause. While individual experiences can vary, many women find that some physical changes, such as dry skin, hair thinning or joint pain, continue to require monitoring and management.

Taking a proactive approach to understanding and preparing for these physical changes can make a huge difference when it comes to their impact on daily life. It’s important to remember that every woman’s experience with menopause is different to the next, with a wide variety of nuances in how symptoms present themselves. However, by understanding the signs of perimenopause and the changes to expect in each stage to follow, you can equip yourself with the knowledge you need to seek treatments and support.

What about mental and emotional changes?

Alongside the range of physical changes and symptoms you’re likely to experience, menopause can also take a significant toll on your mental and emotional health.

Fluctuating hormones can have a direct impact on the likelihood of experiencing mood swings, irritability, anxiety, depression, difficulty with concentration and a sense of brain fog. Once again, this is just one of the reasons it’s so important to break the taboo around menopause – when these experiences are kept secret, many women don’t find the support they need to protect and prioritise their mental health.

You can prepare for these changes by practising open communication with your loved ones and with your healthcare team. The support from family, friends and mental health professionals can be life-changing when it comes to managing the menopausal toll. 

Other simple lifestyle choices, such as prioritising regular exercise, meditation and protecting your sleep can all play a role in managing the mental and emotional impacts of menopausal changes. By understanding how you’re uniquely impacted, you can shape support strategies that equip you for the changes to come.

Don’t go it alone

No matter how ready you may feel for menopause’s various stages, we can all reap the benefits of building our support network as we move through this life transition. Find the team you need to navigate menopause with care and understanding at the Australian Menopause Centre. We’re here for you at every stage of the journey.

About The Author - AMC Team

Our team consists of doctors, nurses, program assistants, naturopaths and nutritionists that join their wealth of knowledge to offer our patients and website visitors interesting and insightful articles to assist you understand the symptoms you are experiencing and how to relieve them.

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