Jun 24, 2024 News AMC Team 139 views

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There isn’t always a rhyme or reason as to why some women experience menopause’s toughest symptoms while others have an easier run, but there are certainly a number of symptoms that aren’t at the top of anyone’s wish list. Menopause is already an extremely challenging time for many women, and an extra serving of its most impacting symptoms can make this season of transition even more complex.

Unfortunately, too many women also suffer needlessly as a result. By understanding what kind of symptoms you may be likely to experience, you can find the support you need to not only cope with them throughout menopause, but also to thrive in the midst of these years. We’re evaluating the toughest menopausal symptoms out there, looking at the kinds of resources available to lessen their impact.

Some of menopause’s toughest symptoms

All kinds of menopausal symptoms can make life uncomfortable, but there’s no denying the disruptive impact hot flushes and night sweats have on day-to-day health and wellbeing. 

Hot flushes are sudden, intense, and potentially overwhelming bursts of heat. They’re most likely to make themselves known in your face, neck, and chest, and they bring with them plenty of sweating. They can last anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes and can often cause enough excessive sweating that there’s a significant disruption to daily activities. Simply put – they’re not anyone’s cup of tea! While hot flushes may be inconvenient for some, for others, they can be so disruptive that work and personal schedules need to change to accommodate them. Since they also happen without warning, there’s no scheduling for their sudden interruption.

Night sweats can cause a similar amount of chaos, only now, they’re messing with your sleep at the same time. Night sweats can keep you from falling asleep, or can wake you suddenly, making it difficult to fall back to sleep as a result of the sensation of overheating. If these continue night after night, they can make it next to impossible to achieve the kind of sleep quality that’s necessary to meet the demands of everyday life.

For other women, their menopausal concerns are more closely connected to the impact of decreased oestrogen levels on vaginal dryness. This can not only make intercourse painful or uncomfortable, but it can also increase the risk of urinary tract infections, which can be extremely painful when they occur.

Alongside menopause’s most challenging physical symptoms, there’s also the emotional fluctuations that can present even more complexities to navigate. For women who find their emotions are hit hardest during menopause, this can look like extreme ups and downs, increased irritability, anxiety, and challenges with their concentration. With no sense of when these may end, this can make it increasingly difficult day after day. 


Don’t suffer without support if you’re experiencing some of menopause’s most challenging symptoms. Our team of expert practitioners are ready to develop your personalised treatment plan, giving you more control over your menopausal experience. Contact us today.


What hope is there for menopausal women?

If this list is feeling a little too close to home for comfort, you’re not alone in your menopause experience. While these symptoms may be tough (and frustrating!) when they hit, there are a number of strategies that can help you take back control of your life.

For hot flushes and night sweats, a mixture of lifestyle modifications, cooling techniques, and treatment options may pave the way to relief. This looks like building a cool and calm sleeping environment, managing and reducing stress, and remaining hydrated in order to reduce the intensity of hot flushes when they hit. Hormone replacement therapy or other complementary therapies may also be able to provide support to fluctuating hormone levels, reducing the impact of these changes and, by extension, the frequency and severity of hot flushes and night sweats.

For vaginal dryness, water-based lubricants and vaginal moisturisers can all help to increase comfort, replenish moisture, and keep the vaginal area as healthy as possible while oestrogen decreases. Kegel exercises are also recommended, serving to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles and contribute to reduced dryness over time.

When it comes to coping with menopause-related emotional fluctuations, simple shifts can make a world of difference. Stress management techniques may become more important than ever, with practices such as yoga and meditation contributing to stress management and better emotional well-being. It’s also important to prioritise the basics: eating well, exercising regularly, and maintaining a strong sleep schedule are all crucial to giving your emotional health the support it needs to navigate these changes. 

What’s ‘normal’ and what’s too intense as a menopausal symptom?

If you find yourself wondering whether your menopause experience is ‘normal’ compared to the next, the reality is that no two experiences are the same. That means your experience of menopause is valid in and of itself, with no barrier to entry when it comes to seeking support for tough symptoms. 

No matter whether you’re having the worst experience imaginable or you’re simply looking to make sure you’re not experiencing more discomfort than you need to, it’s time to reach out for support. Your healthcare team can work closely with you to review your symptoms and explore relevant treatment options, building a personalised plan that’s designed to support your needs, provide relief from the intensity of your symptoms, and give you the best framework possible for your menopause experience.


When it comes to finding a way through menopause’s toughest symptoms, we always recommend the easy way – there’s no need to suffer for the sake of it. For every symptom menopause brings into the mix, there’s a coping strategy or treatment approach that can help to reduce the impact it has on your daily life, giving you the highest quality of health and wellbeing throughout this season of change. Find the support you need to take control back from menopause’s intense symptoms with expert and personalised care at the Australian Menopause Centre.

About The Author - AMC Team

Our team consists of doctors, nurses, program assistants, naturopaths and nutritionists that join their wealth of knowledge to offer our patients and website visitors interesting and insightful articles to assist you understand the symptoms you are experiencing and how to relieve them.

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