Jan 6, 2017 Symptom Relief AMC Team 295 views

Have you got more than 5kg to lose?

Been there, tried that, and still not losing weight?

Our Kick Start Weight Loss program has been developed to kick start your motivation and set you up for successful weight loss (and keep it off)!

During our 26 day kick starter we see an average of 5-7kg lost, along with a change in habits, body shape and behaviour.  At the end of the 26 days we find that you gain a better understanding of your appetite cues helping you to identify when you are truly hungry and not thirsty, bored, emotional or habitual. In addition to this, we find that our patients gain a much better understanding of their portion sizing, helping them to see how much food you need compared to how much food you can fit in your stomach.

Long term changes are the best way to reaching and staying at your goal weight.

The initial 26 days is followed by a 3-6 week period of setting the weight loss and continuing to lose weight, if this is the goal. The program itself goes for approximately 2 months and during this time we are in regular contact to ensure that all is going to plan.

Apart from our success rates, the best thing about this program is that we see these results on menopausal ladies! Not twenty-somethings who have no trouble losing weight in the first place.

If weight is getting you down and you need a kick starter to get you back on track, contact us.

Speak to one of our Naturopaths to see if this program is for you!

About The Author - AMC Team

Our team consists of doctors, nurses, program assistants, naturopaths and nutritionists that join their wealth of knowledge to offer our patients and website visitors interesting and insightful articles to assist you understand the symptoms you are experiencing and how to relieve them.

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