Jul 15, 2024 News Wellness Tips AMC Team 61 views

Beautiful happy menopause woman in a meadow with flowers.

There’s certainly no shortage of challenges when it comes to achieving body positivity. As women living in a modern, always-on world that’s constantly bombarding us with messages, paying close attention to what we’re listening to is crucial in building a loving and supportive relationship with our bodies. Unfortunately, even with strides towards improvement, negative and toxic messages can still create tension when it comes to the body positivity we deserve. This is particularly important during menopause, when seismic changes can create more complications with our individual relationships to our bodies. Menopause is the perfect opportunity to pause and reflect on our relationships with our bodies, looking at where we can strengthen these in order to grow our emotional resilience, self-compassion, and self-respect. We’ve gathered five tips for menopausal women to help achieve greater levels of body positivity. 


Why is body positivity so important for menopausal women?

There are plenty of factors that make a difference to our menopausal experience, and one of them is our relationship to our own body. Embracing the practice of body positivity throughout menopause is crucial to supporting our physical, mental, and emotional health, all of which can come under fire during the demanding transition of menopause. By focusing on building a positive self-image, this life stage can be one that’s about discovery and self-identity, rather than negativity and self-loathing.


#1. Make peace with the changes menopause brings

There’s no escaping it – menopause is guaranteed to bring numerous changes to your body. These may include weight gain, shifts to your body composition, new wrinkles, and more. For women who struggle with a positive relationship with their bodies, this can bring new difficulties in shaping this relationship for the better. However, one of the first steps towards cultivating body positivity throughout menopause is not only understanding what kind of changes are likely to take place for you, but making peace with the changes menopause brings. Yes, there are plenty of ways you can support yourself to minimise the impact of menopausal changes, but you can’t stop the course of time. Education about menopausal changes can help you to understand these natural ageing rhythms, reducing feelings of surprise, frustration, or negativity. 


#2. Focus on what your body CAN do, not what it CAN’T do

If new limitations as a result of menopausal changes are getting down, it’s time to shift your focus to what your body can do, not what it can’t. A changing body doesn’t mean the end of fun, adventure, or enjoyment. This is a great opportunity to evaluate your regular forms of movement and look for opportunities to make them more menopause-friendly. In fact, you may discover whole new hobbies and exercises in the process that you didn’t even know you’d enjoy! Experiment with making the most of your body’s abilities, rather than focusing on new limitations that are arising as a result of menopausal changes.


#3. Practice the art of mindful eating

One major change experienced during menopause is the slowing down of our metabolisms, which can lead to weight gain. Mindful eating is one way you can work to maintain a healthy weight throughout menopause, protecting a positive and empowering relationship with food. Mindful eating ‘is an approach to food that focuses on individuals’ sensual awareness of the food and their experience of the food. It has little to do with calories, carbohydrates, fat, or protein,’ writes Joseph Nelson, a private practice psychologist. By bringing this conscious awareness into our eating habits, we can focus on savouring the moment, enjoying the food itself, and remaining fully present throughout the eating experience. 

This can be particularly useful for women who’ve struggled with diet culture throughout their pre-menopausal years, where specific outcomes were correlated to certain dietary approaches. By contrast, mindfulness is about being process-oriented, not outcome-oriented. That’s why it can be so enriching for us during menopause, removing a sense of pressure and obligation that’s part and parcel of diet cultures, and instead, supporting healthy living through intentional and mindful eating practices.


Looking for more support for every aspect of your health during menopause? Find the resources and treatment pathways you need at the Australian Menopause Centre.


#4. Maintain a regular exercise schedule

Exercise plays a key role in our wellbeing before menopause, and it certainly doesn’t stop delivering ongoing benefits throughout menopause. A consistent and sustainable exercise schedule is a crucial part of supporting physical and mental health throughout menopause, which are the cornerstones of our ability to cultivate ongoing body positivity. Not only does exercise serve an important purpose here, but it can also help to reduce menopausal symptoms, providing even more support throughout our menopausal experience. The key here isn’t to force yourself into an exercise routine you don’t enjoy. Instead, look for an activity you can’t wait to return to, whether that’s yoga, walking, dancing, or diving into the local pool for a swim.

#5. Dress for your body, not for someone else’s

During menopause, comfort is key. Clothing that fits you well, suits your body shape, and gives you easy confidence to go about your daily activities is a crucial support tool throughout your menopause experience. You may find that your clothing preferences change as your body changes, too, so it’s important to have an honest conversation with your wardrobe. It may be time to thank some of its items for their service and let them go to a new home, while bringing in new pieces that help you to embrace your body in the season it’s in.



No matter whether you have a history of a positive or negative relationship with your body, body positivity is something that can be intentionally cultivated throughout menopause. Focusing on building a better relationship with our own bodies can be crucial to building the resilience we need to weather menopause’s many changes. To find more resources to support your wellbeing throughout menopause, get in touch with the friendly, expert team at the Australian Menopause Centre. We’re here to support you through every physical, mental and emotional change menopause brings with it!

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