Apr 3, 2020 News Samantha Mainland 432 views

Times are definitely changing, and you need to keep up.

DO NOT bury your head in the sand. DO NOT spiral into a doom-and-gloom mentality and refuse to see any positives. DO NOT spend this time hating the world, predicting the worst-case scenario and refusing to look after yourself.

This is a time of change and you need to look at what you want to do, and how you want to handle this time.

Support local businesses. Be imaginative (in a positive way). Use this time to reconnect with your family. Reconnect or connect with your neighbours (from a distance). Check in on friends. Be smart.

This is a health situation first. Then it has become a financial situation, and now it may become a mental health concern too.

The times are definitely changing, and you need to keep up. Check your attitude. Attitude is a choice. After all this is over, all that will have really mattered is how we treated each other, and how we treated ourselves.

Consider the following:

Enjoy your time at home – tackle that list of things to do, deep clean the house, test your cooking abilities with a MasterChef mystery box – using only the ingredients in your pantry.

Slow life down, speak with those in your house, or those on the other end of your phone. Have a conversation without interruptions – reconnect (or connect) with people and try to make those conversations positive. There is a lot of negativity occurring at the moment. Negativity is contagious, but so is positivity.

Start a gratitude journal. Write down one thing you are grateful for, each day. I am grateful for spending uninterrupted time with the family. I am grateful for putting a smile on my partner’s face, and for them putting a smile on my face. I am grateful for working from home, so that I have more time to sleep or converse with the family, instead of commuting to work. I am grateful for the space I am sharing, the house I live in, the roof over my head. I am grateful for my own company, and the peace and quiet. I am grateful for making an impact and fighting this virus.

Keep up your great habits. Embrace the challenge of change and keep eating well, exercising, and sleeping well. Eat as best as you can. This means avoiding binge eating, take out overindulging, and constant snacking. Exercise as best you can. This means looking around and using what you have access to, this means using your body weight as a tool and researching online workouts – I am sure there are plenty available right now, or if not, I’m sure many will pop up over the next couple of days. Sleep. This means keep your sleep routine in place and get quality shut eye.

Use the curtains. It may be very surprising to hear that sunlight is significantly powerful when it comes to mood, energy, sleep and immunity. Close your curtains at night to create that perfect space for sleeping, open the curtains widely in the morning and get that sunlight streaming through your home. Walk outside if possible, breathe the fresh air and bask in the warmth of sunshine. Just don’t get sunburnt.

Look around, many companies are helping in every way they can. Telco companies are offering free data for those who have to self-isolate. Banks are offering options on mortgage repayments. The government has announced three stimulus packages with the talk of more to come. Local businesses are trying to help as best as they can. Look around to see how humanity is coming together.

Unfortunately, it does not look like this will pass quickly. Unfortunately, I don’t believe we have hit our peak yet. Now is the time to be smart, listen to officials, and practice safe hygiene. This crisis will end. You can choose how you think, how you act, and what you do (obviously within reason).

Wash your hands regularly. Wash them for 20 seconds and do it properly.

Cough into your elbow or into a tissue. Throw out the tissue straight away.

If you are sick, seek medical advice. Call ahead first.

Practice social distancing and practice self-isolation. This too shall pass.

About The Author - Samantha Mainland

Samantha is a highly educated Naturopath having graduated from both Southern Cross University with a Bachelor of Naturopathy, and University of Tasmania with a Bachelor of Medicine Management with Professional Honours in Complementary Medicine.

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