Jan 10, 2024 Diet & Nutrition Symptom Relief AMC Team 266 views

menopause lady drinking alcohol

It’s no secret that Australians like a stiff drink. In fact, with approximately 40% of the population reporting drinking every week, it’s clear that alcohol can play a notable role in our social fabric and cultural norms. For some individuals, contained alcohol use doesn’t pose significant risks – but for Australian women navigating menopause, alcohol can become much more complicated than it was before these fluctuating hormonal changes.

As with our relationship to alcohol throughout our life, the key to successfully managing alcohol consumption during information is grounded in intentionality, information and mindfulness. 

By understanding how our bodies may react to alcohol during this time, we can make informed decisions about our alcohol intake that support our changing health needs. Let’s take a deep dive into the impact of drinking alcohol on menopausal symptoms. 

How does alcohol affect menopausal symptoms?

Menopausal symptoms can be a challenge to handle even without any alcohol in the mix, but once it’s added, it can have a significant impact on how these symptoms make themselves known. 

Hot flushes and night sweats, two of menopause’s trademark symptoms, can be triggered or worsened as a result of drinking alcohol. As alcohol can dilate blood vessels and lead to increased blood flow (as well as a sensation of warmth), hot flushes are helped along through its physiological impact. It can also impact our sleep, making night sweats all the more complicated to handle through the side effects of those end-of-day drinks.

Since menopause is also characterised by hormonal changes, the disruptive effect alcohol can have on hormonal balances can also lead to significant management problems. Alcohol affects the liver’s ability to regulate oestrogen, which can intensify symptoms in menopausal women – an unfortunate side effect if you’re looking for a regular glass of wine to help with the stress of menopause.

On that note, alcohol’s depressant effect can also magnify negative feelings of mood swings, anxiety, and depression that can be brought on or heightened by menopause. While the notion of an alcoholic drink may feel like it’s going to offer relief or an easing of the day’s tensions, regular and ongoing consumption can, unfortunately, lead to increases in anxiety levels and the frequency of depressive symptoms over time. 

[Mid-blog CTA: Looking for more support in how to manage your health throughout menopause? Contact the Australian Menopause Centre today to learn more.]

Alcohol and bone health

Alongside the more noticeable impacts alcohol has on menopausal symptoms, regular consumption can also pose a risk to the health of our bones. As menopause can increase the risk of osteoporosis, and alcohol can interfere with the balance of calcium and the production of hormones essential to bone regeneration, menopausal women are advised to limit and control their alcohol consumption in a bid to support healthy, long-lasting bones.  

What about menopause-related weight gain?

More bad news for those who like to reach for a drink regularly: since alcohol is calorie-dense, it can also contribute to unwanted and unhealthy menopause-related weight gain.

Menopause often results in significant changes to both our metabolisms and body compositions, causing many women to experience weight gain, even if they’re following a regular diet and exercise schedule. Unfortunately, alcohol can make it harder to keep that weight gain off, making it more difficult to maintain a healthy lifestyle and healthy weight throughout menopause.

Moderation and intentionality

It’s not all doom and gloom for the wine-lovers amongst us. As with every other stage of our lives, the key to enjoying alcohol (if you choose to) throughout menopause is through both moderation and intentionality.

Understanding the effects of alcohol is crucial to managing your consumption throughout menopause – but this doesn’t mean that complete abstinence is the only way forward. Other mindful options include:

  • Choosing low-alcohol options – there are a wide range of low-alcohol drinks emerging in the market, creating more and more choices for those looking to enjoy a drink without high alcohol content. By choosing a drink with a lower alcohol content, you can support your health, reduce the impact on your menopause symptoms, and still enjoy a drink of your preference. Light beers, spritzers, and diluted spirits can all offer a great option.
  • Timing your alcohol consumption – by strategically timing your alcohol consumption, you can reduce the risk of menopause-related impacts. It’s best to avoid drinking alcohol close to bedtime in order to reduce its impact on sleep quality.
  • Remaining hydrated – this advice is applicable to everyone who’s enjoying a drink, but for women in menopause, it’s more important than ever to balance alcohol consumption with adequate hydration. By remaining hydrated, you can reduce the risk of running into alcohol-related side effects that are only magnified by menopause’s changes. 

Ditching alcohol altogether

Of course, there are some easy options when it comes to avoiding the impact of alcohol on menopause: ditching it altogether.

For those who would prefer to eliminate alcohol consumption, all kinds of drinks can step into its shoes, including:

  • Mocktails – enjoy non-alcoholic versions of your favourite cocktails that are cheaper, more sustainable, and often just as satisfying
  • Herbal teas – not only are you removing the risk of alcohol-related side effects, but herbal teas can also support our health and wellbeing, with different flavours promoting relaxation, rejuvenation, and sleep
  • Sparkling water – make hydration more exciting by adding a splash of fruit juice, fresh fruit, or a sugar-free flavour enhancer to sparkling water – it’s also much cheaper!


Every aspect of navigating menopause is a personal journey, and the choice of whether or not to consume alcohol is a part of that personal navigation. The role of alcohol throughout menopause will vary for each of us. 

For some, contained alcohol consumption can be a part of a happy, healthy and balanced lifestyle. For others, reducing it, or avoiding it altogether, is the best way to manage its impact on their symptoms. By listening to your body and building your understanding of alcohol’s relationship to menopausal symptoms, you can make informed choices that will serve you well through menopause and beyond.

For more support in your menopausal journey, connect with the Australian Menopause Centre to find treatment pathways, resources, and a trusted team dedicated to your wellbeing.

About The Author - AMC Team

Our team consists of doctors, nurses, program assistants, naturopaths and nutritionists that join their wealth of knowledge to offer our patients and website visitors interesting and insightful articles to assist you understand the symptoms you are experiencing and how to relieve them.

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