Feb 3, 2014 Diet & Nutrition Wellness Tips AMC Team 122 views

Tao’s Favourite Supplement – N-Acetyl Carnitine

Hi, my name is Tao and I am the Operations Manager of the Australian Menopause Centre. I have been taking N-Acetyl Carnitine over the last year to help improve my energy levels and I am so excited to be able to share my experience with you.

Having a busy, fast paced job and coupled with the stress of organising a wedding left me sapped of energy. I would find myself tired and ready for bed by dinner time and struggling to keep up with family and friends. Luckily, I had a consult with Di, our Naturopath, and she suggested N-Acetyl Carnitine to help boost my energy levels. The effect was almost immediate. I found myself alert and energetic during the day and lost the need to doze off in the evening. The great thing is that it did not affect my normal sleep patterns.
Since then I have recommended this product to my friends and family. From electricians to builders and business owners, everyone’s feedback has been the same as my experience, lots more energy, been able to watch a movie at night with the kids without falling asleep, some have even said they have lost weight. What a bonus!

If you are experiencing a lack of energy then I would highly recommend N-Acetyl Carnitine. Mix it in with your morning juice, its easy, make it part of your daily routine and it works.
Try it and let me know how it works for you. I am passionate about this supplement and would love your feedback too.

Tao – Operations Manager

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