Apr 12, 2017 Guest Posts Susie Elelman 98 views

Pain is Nature’s way of telling you something is wrong and while blocking the symptoms with pain killers might be a quick fix, it doesn’t always get to the root cause.

I’m not medically trained in any way so I would never attempt to give you advice on what you should or shouldn’t do to manage your pain.

I am, however, smart enough to know when I need to seek help from someone who is qualified.

Here are some of the natural things I do first when I’m hurting.

  • Osteopath

A lot of my work preparation means I spend a great deal of time seated hunched over my computer and a deep tissue massage followed by an adjustment by my Osteopath helps relieve the pain I sometimes get in my lower back and relieves the stress I carry across my shoulder blades.

  • Dehydration

On the rare occasions that I get a headache, the 1st thing I do before I take any tablets is to have a big glass of water and wait a few minutes, as they are often simply caused by being dehydrated.

If pain persists always seek medical attention.

  • Acupuncture

I’m a huge fan of acupuncture and am constantly amazed at how effective it is on so many aspects of our health and our body.

I fractured my ankle when I was 17 and whenever it starts giving me pain I get instant relief from acupuncture.  I’m a bit of klutz and have fallen off my push bike a couple of times and on one occasion had lots of pain in one knee. I’m still bewildered as to how my acupuncturist (who is also a medical doctor) put needles in my other knee and twisted them, which instantly removed the pain in the aching knee.

  • Exercise

Exercise and especially stretching to stay supple will in turn help keep us pain free.  My first chiropractor, Bud Lennard, who was also a lecturer in my School of Modelling & Deportment, often explained that our core fitness is vital.  He said that ideally our stomach muscles should be tight then our back muscles would be loose. Unfortunately it’s more often vice versa because our back muscles are generally stronger than our stomach muscles so they tighten up and that’s when we can get postural changes and often pain as a result.

His best core fitness exercise is to lie on your back with your knees bent and simply bring your chin to your chest & hold for ten seconds. Do a few if you can. You can do that when you wake up before you get out of bed and again at night when you get into bed.

  • Massage

Getting a therapeutic deep tissue massage by a trained professional can be a great natural pain reliever.  Not necessarily at the time you’re receiving it but definitely afterwards.

  • Referred pain

Referred or reflective pain is when you feel pain in one part of your body other than its actual source.  This is another important reason to seek professional help!

I hope my tips benefit you.

Managing pain, especially chronic pain is exhausting both mentally and physically and my heart goes out to you, if you’re in that position.

I endured chronic pain for almost two years, with every step I took, before I had pins and rods and screws put through most of my toes (caused by wearing stilettos).  The pain threshold of women especially, never ceases to amaze me…good luck and don’t be shy to ask for help! Cheers Susie

Susie Elelman AM

Ambassador – Australian Menopause Centre

Author, TV & Radio Broadcaster

About The Author - Susie Elelman

Susie Elelman is an Australian television presenter, radio broadcaster, and author, most famous for her appearances on daytime television in Australia. She has been an ambassador of the Australian Menopause Centre since 2016 and it is a pleasure to have such an influential figure support our work.

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