Jun 19, 2015 Symptom Relief AMC Team 21,954 views


Before menopause, your body goes through a transition period of uncertainty called peri-menopause. During this time you’ll experience a lot of symptoms that are found during menopause without actually going through menopause itself, which can be both confusing and concerning. Peri-menopause is completely normal, however, and happens in every woman’s life at some point.

Just like menopause, there are plenty of ways to go about regulating the symptoms and keeping them manageable. Ranging from simple lifestyle changes to medication, there are many different methods for treating even the most difficult symptoms.

By talking to the doctor, you’ll be able to discover what management plan is best for you.

What is Peri-menopause?

Peri-menopause is the period of time before a woman goes through menopause. As your ovaries produce less oestrogen, your body begins to go through some of the changes that become more noticeable later in menopause. Peri-menopause tends to happen when a woman is in her 40s, although it has also been discovered in women around their late 30s and even younger than that.

The period of peri-menopause lasts until a woman has gone into full menopause. The average time period is four years, but there have been cases where women have experienced symptoms from only a couple months all the way up to a decade. To find out if you’re going through peri-menopause, simply talk with the doctor! After a general diagnostic check-up they’ll be able to give you the best possible advice for your situation, as well as confirm whether or not your symptoms are in fact those of peri-menopause.

Symptoms of Peri-menopause

Peri-menopause is very similar to menopause but with one major difference: you can still get pregnant and have periods. They also share a lot of the same symptoms, making it difficult to work out whether you’re in the menopause or peri-menopause stage. Hot flushes, vaginal dryness, and trouble sleeping are just a few of the shared symptoms.

There are, however, some symptoms that can provide more insight into what stage you are in. For instance, you may find your breasts are particularly tender, or you may experience worse PMS than usual. You may also have irregular periods.

How to manage Peri-menopausal and Menopausal symptoms

There’s plenty that can be done to maintain control and manage yourself during this disruptive period. Simple lifestyle changes can go a long way during the perimenopause and menopause as described above. Exercising, eating healthy, and quitting bad habits like smoking and excessive drinking are all effective steps in helping you manage your health and hormone related symptoms.

For more severe cases, using progesterone and/or oestrogen may be your best option. The Bio-identical progesterone – referred to as micronised progesterone, and Bio-identical oestrogen both have a bio-chemical structure identical to what your body normally produces naturally. These can be adjusted to suit each individual’s needs.

Talk to the doctor

If you think you’re going through peri-menopause or menopause, it is important you talk to the doctor as soon as possible, particularly if you’re experiencing discomfort. They will be able to provide you with sound information as well as their professional opinion and advice. They’ll also be able to help create an effective management plan for your peri-menopausal symptoms, giving you the ability to enjoy a higher quality of life during this difficult transitional period.

You should see a doctor if you find yourself experiencing abnormalities with your period. During this time there could be a number of different factors involved. To ensure you’re not suffering from another condition, seek your local GP’s advice if you find yourself experiencing one or more of the following:

  • Heavier or lighter flow,
  • Longer periods,
  • Spotting between periods,
  • Spotting after sex,
  • Periods that are too close together.

Usually, peri-menopausal symptoms are nothing to be concerned about, but it pays to be careful.

About The Author - AMC Team

Our team consists of doctors, nurses, program assistants, naturopaths and nutritionists that join their wealth of knowledge to offer our patients and website visitors interesting and insightful articles to assist you understand the symptoms you are experiencing and how to relieve them.

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