Mar 1, 2024 News AMC Team 714 views


Multivitamins for Menopause

One thing is for sure during menopause: everything you know about your body may change. If you’ve maintained a healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet, regular exercise, and a consistent sleep schedule for years, the disruptive changes brought about by menopause may necessitate a reevaluation of everything that has been effective thus far.

Does this sound like you? If so, it’s time to explore new and transition-oriented support. 

Supplements can become crucial in the process of managing menopausal health, but knowing how to navigate the wide world of supplement options can be overwhelming. We’ve collated a simple guide to help you make the most of multivitamins and supplements throughout your menopausal years, all while keeping your routine simplified and streamlined.

The role of multivitamins during menopause

When our bodies begin the transition into menopause, our nutritional needs can shift significantly. For example, as natural production levels of oestrogen decrease, the risk of developing osteoporosis can increase. Calcium and vitamin D in supplement form can help to offset these risks. 

Perhaps you’re struggling to maintain your weight throughout menopause’s changes? That’s a direct result of metabolic changes. These significant shifts in how our metabolism operates can be supported by key nutrients, such as B vitamins and iron, that have a holistic effect on improving health and wellbeing.

For many women, multivitamins are a one-stop solution throughout menopause that can provide a wide range of vitamins and minerals in one single, easy package. By filling nutritional gaps, they can provide integral support that’s more difficult to achieve through diet management alone, helping to protect bone health, manage energy levels, and offset some of the negative impacts menopause can bring on a daily basis. 

While supplements can be a great tool for offsetting menopausal changes, they’re also powerful to explore for women looking to prioritise a particular area of their health. Whether you’re looking to support your body through a changing exercise routine, target specific skin needs, or work on the health of your hair and nails, supplements can provide natural ways to boost your health in these specific areas. 

Eager to find more treatment pathways for your menopausal needs? Contact the Australian Menopause Centre to find personalised and expert-led care for every step of your experience.

Which supplements are right for you during menopause?

It can be overwhelming to take multiple supplements each day, which is where opting for comprehensive multivitamins can remove some of the burdens. Specialist multivitamins that include the key vitamins and minerals you’re looking for may be the right fit for your daily needs.

However, as with every other aspect of menopausal health management, it’s important to remember that personalisation is key. What’s appropriate for one woman in the midst of her menopausal journey may not be the right fit for you. By working closely with health specialists, you can develop a supplement line-up that’s going to be the best fit for your changing body at each stage of your menopausal transition. 

Whatever approach you take, building consistency is key when it comes to seeing the impact of supplements. Committing to a daily supplement schedule and monitoring your progress over time will give you important data when it comes to making necessary adjustments for your evolving health needs.

Key supplements to consider

In preparing to discuss your supplement needs with your healthcare team, understanding what may be available to you can help you to note which areas of support need to be prioritised. Essential vitamins and minerals that are often helpful for women in the midst of menopause include:

  • Calcium and vitamin D – supporting bone density and immune function, are at the top of our list when it comes to everyday health and wellbeing throughout menopause.
  • B Vitamins – B6 and B12 can be game-changers when it comes to energy production, mood regulation, and heart health. With the potential to help in managing mood swings and irritability, they’re worth investigating for women throughout their menopausal years. 
  • Magnesium – a supplement that’s good for our bone health, sleep regulation, and muscle function? Sign us up. With the bonus of calming effects on the nervous system, this can also be a great way to keep stress levels in check. 
  • Vitamin E – this vitamin packs a powerful punch when it comes to offering skin benefits, and with the ability to provide relief from menopausal hot flashes, as well as supporting overall cardiovascular health, it’s a welcome support for many women during these seasons.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids – delivering strong support for heart health, cognitive function, and support in managing mood swings, Omega-3 fatty acids can also complement the impact of other vitamins and minerals. 

Building supplements into your daily routine

It may seem simple to build supplements into your daily routine, but like any other new habit, it can take a little bit of practice to make this second-nature. Often, the best way to build this practice is to begin by associating taking your supplements with an existing daily habit. This may be having breakfast, brushing your teeth or making the bed – by finding a way to attach taking supplements to something you’re already doing, it can become easier to hit your daily supplement needs. 

Pill organisers are also well worth the investment, particularly if you’re taking more than one supplement. This is an easy way to track your intake and build your consistency without adding more management to your daily to-do list. 

It’ll take some time, but before you know it, supplements will become just another part of your daily routine – particularly when they’re helping with your energy, mood, and physical needs!


Managing menopause can be complicated – but with empowering healthcare support and targeted supplements, you can find resources that simplify the journey. Introducing supplements into your daily routine is one way to give your body kind, reliable support throughout the constant ebbs and flows of menopausal changes. 

If you’re looking for targeted, personalised and holistic support for both the short-term and the long-term, reach out to the team at the Australian Menopause Centre to discover more treatment pathways for your menopausal needs.

About The Author - AMC Team

Our team consists of doctors, nurses, program assistants, naturopaths and nutritionists that join their wealth of knowledge to offer our patients and website visitors interesting and insightful articles to assist you understand the symptoms you are experiencing and how to relieve them.

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