Sep 9, 2024 News Wellness Tips AMC Team 65 views

Menopause Wellness Tips for a Strong, Healthy Body To get Ready For Summer

If you’re ready to leave the days of shivering through winter behind us, you’re in luck. Spring’s officially here in Australia, and that means long summer days are right on our doorstep!

There are few things more enjoyable than the summer months, with opportunities to spend more time outside, linger with family and friends, and make the most of what nature has to offer. For women in the midst of menopause, however, the summer season isn’t without its challenges. Menopause’s ebbs and flows can throw certain spanners in the works of summer plans – so this time around, we’re preparing ourselves as best as possible to make the most of the warmer months without losing our menopausal minds.

Here are our favourite wellness tips to prepare a strong, healthy body that’s ready for everything summer has to offer, even with menopause as a constant companion!


Need help navigating menopause during the warmer summer months? Our expert team is ready to support you.


Understand what you’re in for

Hot flushes, night sweats and mood swings are challenging enough to manage during the cooler months, but in the heat of summer, menopause’s symptoms can become even more complex to navigate. With temperatures only going up and humidity adding to the stickiness, the symptoms you may be used to may turn up more frequently and more intensely. As a result, for many menopausal women, summer can mean discomfort, problems with adequate sleep, and increased moodiness, irritability, or anxiety throughout the hotter months.

While it’s almost impossible to avoid summer’s heat entirely, there are ways you can prepare for the challenges this season will bring. Taking a look at the places you spend the most time means you can prepare with what you’ll need to stay calm and cool throughout summer. Air-conditioning in the bedroom? It’s a yes from us. Making sure you’ve got adequate fans close by? Always a good idea. Try a stocktake in each place you’re likely to be during summer on a regular basis, such as home and work, and think through how you can bring down the heat and increase your comfort during these warmer months. 


Build your menopause wellness toolkit

Of course, air-conditioning, fans, and other cooling tools can only go so far when it comes to keeping you cool and comfortable. By broadening your menopause wellness toolkit, you can make sure your body’s as prepared as possible for what this time will bring. 

This may look like:

  • Checking in afresh with your doctor and healthcare team to make sure your personalised treatment plan is shaped for your individual menopause needs
  • Exploring new treatment pathways if you’re struggling to manage the impact of rising temperatures on menopausal symptoms
  • Keeping close records of your symptoms, looking for obvious triggers that can be avoided throughout the summer season 

Sometimes, it’s the small things that can make a big difference in the management of menopause symptoms. For example, if you’re struggling to hit your hydration needs each day, this can exacerbate menopause’s intensity. Even something as simple as picking up a new water bottle that tracks your water intake could go a long way when it comes to expanding your menopause wellness toolkit and taking a proactive approach to symptom management during summer. 

It’s also helpful to think through any potential increases in pressure on your emotional and mental health during summer. For many families, this can be a time of increased social commitments, with a jam-packed calendar leading up to the holiday season. For menopausal women, this can create pressure to ‘turn up’ and be present, even in the midst of significant menopause symptoms. By discussing this ahead of time with those closest to you, you can set yourself up for success by reducing some of these social pressures. When it’s tough to know how menopause will impact your day ahead of time, it’s important to have options to gracefully bow out of future commitments. 


Increase your daily movement

We know that regular exercise is an important part of managing menopause and its symptoms, but this can become even more of a focus when summer’s right around the bend. If you’ve spent winter in hibernation mode, it’s time to lace up your runners – or grab your swimmers – and get back into a routine of moving your body regularly.

While summer can be a great time to exercise for certain sports or types of movement, for others, it can be highly challenging. If you’re used to enjoying a 9am stroll around the neighbourhood, you may find it’s too warm to do so once summer fully hits! Be prepared to make small adjustments to your exercise schedule, staying sun-safe and keeping your body temperature within a safe range as you move. Heatstroke isn’t fun for anyone! 


Fuel yourself for success

Many of us will be swapping the slow cooker for summer salads as the weather heats up, but if you’re in the midst of menopause, it’s important to keep a close eye on your daily intake. Whether you’re moving to cooler foods or not, eating a balanced diet is one way to support stable energy levels, reduce the risk of making menopause’s symptoms worse, and fuel your body for the season’s adventures. 

Opt to mix up your summer routine by introducing a few new menopause-friendly recipes into your seasonal rotation – your body and brain will thank you.


Make the most of summer moments

In the midst of preparing your body to be strong, healthy, and ready for what summer has to offer, don’t forget to make the most of those quintessential summer moments. Family days on the beach, afternoon picnics in the park, time spent in the garden, long, lazy barbeque dinners – there’s a reason summer gives us so many of our most memorable experiences with those we love. 

While menopause may make it more challenging to be present in the midst of these, with some careful planning, proactive lifestyle choices, and the support of a dedicated healthcare team, you can enjoy this summer season and make the most of everything these warmer months have to offer. 

Find support for your menopausal health throughout summer and beyond at the Australian Menopause Centre. We’re here for you year-round!

About The Author - AMC Team

Our team consists of doctors, nurses, program assistants, naturopaths and nutritionists that join their wealth of knowledge to offer our patients and website visitors interesting and insightful articles to assist you understand the symptoms you are experiencing and how to relieve them.

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