Dec 18, 2013 Symptom Relief Wellness Tips AMC Team 230 views

Most people think that women cease to be sexual beings after the change. While menopause does change your body in some fundamental ways — including possibly leaving you with low libido — you don’t have to bury your sex life once the hot flashes hit. In fact, your sex life postmenopause can be even more enjoyable than it was in your younger years.

How Common Is Low Libido in Postmenopausal Women?

Low libido affects 20 to 40% of women during menopause. However, contrary to what the common perception is, many women go through another sexual awakening after menopause. The causes for this are varied, and they include relief from menopause symptoms and knowing that they no longer have to worry about accidental pregnancy.

Also contributing to greater sex lives after menopause is the fact that most women who go through this stage of life no longer have to take care of young children. These factors can lessen stress, which in turn can lead to an increase in sexual desire. In addition, some women gain a sense of emotional maturity by this point in their lives.

How Can I Make Sex More Comfortable After Menopause?

Many women experience vaginal dryness that results in vaginal atrophy during and after menopause. This is a condition in which lower levels of vital hormones (namely estrogen) causes the skin of the vagina to become dryer and less elastic. In addition, since estrogen is responsible for maintaining the pH of the vagina, you may become more vulnerable to infections. All of these things can make your daily life uncomfortable, but when it comes to sexual intercourse, vaginal dryness can make it next to impossible.

You can combat daily vaginal dryness by avoiding douching and harsh soaps that dry the skin. You can also ask your doctor about Oestrogen creams that can be applied locally to the area. When you are ready to have intercourse, you can make the experience more enjoyable by using a water-based lubricant.

How Can I Connect with My Partner?

Menopause and its symptoms are just one of the challenges you will face to keeping your sexual flame lit. As you and your partner age, it’s easy to become stuck in a sex “rut”. In order to reawaken your desire for each other, try to spend time doing other things that you both enjoy. The connection that you establish in your free time will make your sex life even better.

More Information about Low Libido Postmenopause

Low libido can also be caused by physical changes spurred by menopause, such as hair loss, weight gain, and digestive problems. The stress which can be caused by these factors, as well as the anxiety they may bring with them, can have a negative impact upon a woman’s sexual desire.

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