Mar 8, 2024 Diet & Nutrition Movement & Exercise News AMC Team 136 views

Lifestyle Choices that can Intensify Menopausal Discomfort

As menopause makes its entrance, our familiarity with the profound impact of lifestyle choices on our health outcomes becomes increasingly evident, touching every aspect—physical, mental, and emotional. This transitional time brings even more changes into the mix that can create significant havoc for even the most attentive of women. While we’re all destined to go through menopause for ourselves, no two experiences are the same, with symptoms such as hot flushes, night sweats, and problems with achieving a great night’s sleep all mixed in to deliver a unique experience from woman to woman. 

These symptoms may feel out of our control, but are we paying attention to just how powerful certain lifestyle choices can be in minimising these discomforts? In this article we will take a look at what kind of lifestyle choices are known for intensifying menopausal discomfort, as well as which lifestyle factors can be counted on to help improve the overall experience.

So what, exactly, is to blame when our menopausal discomfort increases?

Bad news for those of us who like absolutes: if you’re looking for a single lifestyle factor that can be changed to remove menopausal pain, there’s no single culprit. There are, however, a number of factors that, when they’re prioritised, can be resolved or minimised in order to improve your daily wellbeing. 

Common culprits behind worsened menopausal symptoms can include:

  • High stress levels. Does your day look like a whirlwind of appointments, commitments, reminders, and to-dos? Stress is a constant presence for many women in menopause, which is made all the more difficult as our bodies experience a weakened ability to manage these stresses. Unfortunately, fluctuating hormone levels aren’t our best ally when it comes to stress management, and the higher our stress levels go, the more likely we are to experience menopause symptoms. 
  • Poor (or even just average!) dietary patterns. Odds are, none of us are surprised that our diet is important to pay attention to during menopause. High amounts of processed foods, sugars, and caffeine can all invite symptoms in, exacerbating their presence and increasing their frequency. 
  • A lack of regular exercise. Just as with other life stages, regular physical activity is crucial during menopause. Without regular exercise, it’s going to be more difficult to keep your weight healthily managed, reduce stress levels, and do what you can to reduce the presence of those menopausal symptoms.
  • Skipping out on necessary sleep. It may be ironic to highlight the importance of sleep during menopause, right when menopause itself is making it harder to achieve, but poor sleep can make it even more difficult to navigate this time of transition. 
  • Patterns of alcohol or smoking. Are alcoholic drinks or cigarettes a regular presence in your routine? These substances can both make menopausal symptoms worse, meaning it’s important to seriously consider their part in your life during these years of change.

Ready to take control of your menopausal experience? Contact the Australian Menopause Centre to find the support you need in every step.

How to counteract lifestyle-related menopausal discomfort

It’s not all bad news when it comes to the impact lifestyle choices can have on menopause. In fact, by paying close attention to your symptoms, you can leverage key lifestyle habits to improve your experience at every stage of menopause’s changes. 


Firstly, managing stress is an important part of your holistic wellbeing. This is a ‘do not pass go’ topic: far too many women carry around major responsibilities, suffering through menopausal changes in silence and increasing their stress levels as they do it. Yoga, meditation, time in nature, or time with loved ones are all great lifestyle choices that can help to unwind stress and create relaxation habits that are sustainable for the long term.


Next, it’s important to assess your diet. Are you reaching for what’s easy, rather than what’s best for you? By making some simple swaps, eating a diet largely based on fruits, vegetables, and whole foods doesn’t have to be difficult. Not only will these swaps help to mitigate the impact of menopause, but they’ll also support your ongoing health needs throughout the years to come.


It’s also time to review your exercise routine. For some people, doing what they’ve always been doing is enough to satisfy their body’s needs throughout menopause’s changes. For others, it’s time for a major shift. Increasing your daily movement and building a sustainable exercise routine is one easy way you can create ongoing support through lifestyle choices for what’s ahead.


Sleep, as well, is another area that needs to be prioritised. This may be frustrating to hear right when menopause is making it more difficult to sleep through the night, but it’s a battle we need to return to daily in order to protect our health throughout menopause (and beyond). It’s time to revisit the non-negotiables: a cool room. Cool, moisture-wicking bedding. A regular nightly routine. A quiet, controlled environment. These ingredients may not be a magic solution, but they’re important when it comes to giving yourself the best odds possible for a restful night.

Alcohol and cigarettes

Finally, cutting back on alcohol and cigarettes are two powerful choices you can make for your health. If you’re in the habit of reaching for a glass of wine at the end of the day, opting for a non-alcoholic drink can help you reduce the impact alcohol has on menopausal symptoms. You’ll also be helping your weight to remain in balance, your sleep to remain disruption-free, and your overall health to function at a higher level. 

While there’s no one set pathway for women in menopause to find the right balance, evaluating each of these lifestyle factors – and making a proactive, supportive choice – can help you to experiment with the needs of your changing body and fluctuating hormonal levels.


There’s no denying that menopause is a time of immense change in our bodies. By evaluating our lifestyle choices, we can identify areas where we’re unintentionally sabotaging our best efforts. If you’re in need of more support throughout every curveball menopause brings, reach out to the Australian Menopause Centre team for holistic, expert and care-filled resources. We’ve walked this journey with thousands of Australian women before you!

About The Author - AMC Team

Our team consists of doctors, nurses, program assistants, naturopaths and nutritionists that join their wealth of knowledge to offer our patients and website visitors interesting and insightful articles to assist you understand the symptoms you are experiencing and how to relieve them.

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