Jan 19, 2024 Wellness Tips AMC Team 163 views

menopause women

Given its lack of open discussion, menopause often remains shrouded in mystery, leaving many uninformed about its nuances and effects. However, menopause is a significant milestone every woman will experience, so the more we can do to dispel the myths and confusion surrounding menopause, the better! Post-menopause marks the definitive end of one chapter and the commencement of another but remains an even lesser-discussed phase of life than menopause itself.

Today, we’re digging into what happens after you cross this threshold, demystifying post-menopause life wherever we can – because one day, it’ll be here for all of us.

Significant hormonal shifts

Of course, one of the key areas where life after menopause is changed forever is in the area of hormones. As menopause marks the end of menstrual cycles (officially diagnosed once it’s been 12 months without a period), this transition signifies a major shift in key hormones, including oestrogen and progesterone. With flow-on effects across the whole body, decreased hormone production can have a significant ongoing impact on everyday life.

For many women, this can look like:

  • Physical changes: Whether it’s a decrease in breast fullness, challenges in maintaining pre-menopausal weight, or changes in skin texture, decreased hormone production can lead to a wide range of physical changes.
  • Bone health challenges: As lower oestrogen levels can affect bone density, post-menopausal women are at an increased risk of developing osteoporosis. Now’s the time to build more calcium and vitamin D into your everyday diet in order to alleviate these fluctuations and decreases.
  • Vaginal and urinary health: If other physical changes weren’t enough, lowered oestrogen levels can directly lead to vaginal dryness, discomfort during sex, and an increased risk of urinary issues like incontinence. 

The new emotional norm

There’s some great news for women who’ve made it through menopause: the dramatic premenstrual mood swings, and menopausal up and downs, are behind you. While hormonal changes can still impact your day-to-day emotional wellbeing, the end of menopause marks the end of significant emotional highs and lows that are hormone-related.

For some women, this can result in a renewed sense of freedom and empowerment, leading to a time of reflection, growth, and personal development. 

If you’ve just made it through your menopausal years, it’s the perfect opportunity to pause, take stock, and enjoy more certainty when it comes to your daily emotional climate.

 Not sure what to expect from your menopausal experience? Contact the Australian Menopause Centre to find support for every stage of your journey.

How about our energy levels?

Hormones and emotions are important, but how about our energy levels on the back of our menopausal years?

It’s common to experience a shift in energy levels post-menopause. For some, this looks like a surge in vitality and energy that’s no longer impacted by their monthly hormonal cycles. For others, this can result in a dip in energy that requires additional lifestyle tweaks to moderate and offset.

Regular exercise, including yoga, walking, and swimming can all help to balance and maintain energy levels after menopause – all without placing too much strain on your body. 

It’s also important to maintain a balanced diet that prioritises fruit, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. As with menopause, our diets can continue to support our energy, our health, and our overall wellbeing.

Powerful lifestyle changes 

With each experience of menopause being so unique, there’s no guarantee as to what life will look like on the other side. For many women, some lifestyle adjustments can continue to lead to significant improvements in their quality of life, helping to make the most of their post-menopausal years.

These can include:

  • Staying active. Not only is exercise good for your health post-menopause, but it can also help to keep your mind active. Look for exercises that are engaging, fun, and rewarding so you can easily build these into your ongoing routine.
  • Connecting with others. The role of a strong social network doesn’t get any smaller during the post-menopause years. Whether you join a club, volunteer with a local group, or find another way to remain engaged with your community, social cohesion is a crucial part of the fabric of an enjoyable and sustainable post-menopause experience.
  • Prioritising sleep. Good sleep is no less important now than it was before! By protecting your sleep hygiene and using a regular sleep routine that can help combat sleep disturbances, you can fuel your body with adequate rest to meet the demands of each day ahead. 

Life after menopause: the silver linings

With such a focus on menopause itself, it’s easy to forget that life after menopause has numerous silver linings. 

The end of periods is certainly a cause for celebration for many women. No more tampons, no more cramping, and no more concerns about leakage – they’re done for good!

No more menstruating also means the end of premenstrual symptoms, including irritability, fatigue, bloating, and menstrual-related headaches. For women who’ve had many days of their lives disrupted by the pain associated with menstrual symptoms, this can be significantly freeing.

Sex, too, can change after menopause, with no more concerns about pregnancy or fertility. While birth control is still required throughout menopause, it’s no longer required to prevent pregnancy once menopause has finished. (Birth control that protects against STIs may still be relevant for many women, however.)

There’s also the sense of completion, giving some women a sense of more control and certainty over their physical, mental, and emotional experiences. With no more of the highs and lows associated with menopause, women are equipped with more clarity around what they’re likely to experience physically throughout the day, no longer on the lookout for an errant hot flush disruption.


Life after menopause isn’t a time of decline, but a time of new beginnings. For many women, it’s the perfect opportunity to take control of their health and enjoy a new-found freedom that’s only possible once menopause is complete. To find support for every stage of menopause, contact the expert team at the Australian Menopause Centre – we’re here to make sure your post-menopausal years are as fulfilling as possible!

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