Apr 30, 2024 News Symptom Relief Wellness Tips AMC Team 153 views

How HRT May Safeguard Against Brain Shrinkage and Memory Decline in Menopause

For those of us who are on the brink of our menopausal years, or already well on our way through them, there’s good news emerging from a recent study out of Cardiff University. One of the key health concerns facing menopausal women is the issue of cognitive function. With menopausal changes bringing significant changes to the health of our brains, preventative and proactive treatments become increasingly important as we continue to navigate through these transitional seasons.

New research continues to confirm that hormone replacement therapy (HRT) can play a large role in alleviating not just menopausal symptoms, but many of the cognitive impacts menopause brings with it. This study demonstrates that HRT is linked to a larger region of the brain that’s responsible for memory, with an increased exposure to reproductive hormones showing an association with better memory performance. 

As leading Australian menopause healthcare providers, we work with decades of extensive research to provide industry-leading treatments for Australian women – so this research doesn’t take us by surprise. It does, however, continue to point to the many resources that exist for menopausal women to find the highest quality of support for their health and wellbeing. Let’s take a closer look at what HRT is, and how it may support ongoing brain function, while protecting us from memory decline.

What is HRT?

Hormone replacement therapy is designed to replenish the oestrogen levels that decline in production throughout menopause. Since our bodies rely on oestrogen for so much of their daily functions, these lower levels of production have many consequences when it comes to our overall wellbeing. HRT is a strategic way to offset some of these declines, boosting oestrogen levels throughout our menopausal years. 

HRT can be particularly powerful for women who are running out of patience with other menopause treatment options. If you’ve worked your way through a long list of natural remedies, overhauled your lifestyle, tested different supplements, and you’re still struggling with menopausal symptoms, it’s likely time to consider the role of HRT in your overall menopause management strategy. 

[Mid-blog CTA: At the Australian Menopause Centre, we deliver the highest quality of menopause treatments and hormone replacement therapy. Speak to our expert team today to find the support you need for optimal brain and memory health.]

Why can HRT support a healthy brain?

From a scientific perspective, ‘the metabolic consequences of oestrogen decline during menopause accelerate neuropathology in women’, as stated in Alzheimer’s Research and Therapy. In simpler terms, this means that when menopause begins, our brains just aren’t receiving the same level of functional support from oestrogen that they need for optimal performance.

While HRT may offer clear short-term benefits for women who notice a lifting of ‘brain fog’ and enhanced memory capabilities, it may also help to prevent the onset of serious diseases, including Alzheimer’s and dementia. With dementia growing to become one of the world’s biggest health threats and almost two in three people with Alzheimer’s being women, it’s crucial for us to look at proactive health choices that can give our brains the best chance of protection against these neurodegenerative diseases. 

Other ways to support your brain throughout menopause

HRT can provide fundamental support for not only the health of your brain, your memory, and your cognitive functioning throughout menopause, but also for the alleviation of disruptive menopausal symptoms. However, as with many forms of medication, combining HRT with thoughtful lifestyle choices is one way you can continue to empower your wellbeing throughout each menopausal change.

Some of the many ways you can keep your cognitive function prioritised throughout these phases include:

  • Bringing nutrients to the forefront of your diet. Omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidant-rich natural ingredients can all help to boost your brain’s capabilities, combat oxidative stress, and fight back against cognitive decline.
  • Commit to regular exercise. Whether you like a long walk, yoga in the park, laps in the pool, or strength training, regular physical activity helps to enhance blood flow to the brain. This is a powerful way to build new neural connections and support the retention of those you already have. While you’ll feel the benefits in your body, you’ll notice the benefits in your mind.
  • Challenge your brain on a regular basis. Puzzles, learning new skills, or spending time on hobbies that keep you mentally engaged are practical ways that you can build your neuroplasticity. This is the brain’s ability to form and organise connections, and is crucial to cognitive growth and capability retention. 
  • Prioritise social engagement. It turns out that meaningful social activities can not only help to reduce stress, but can also help to support our emotional well-being, which has a carry-on effect in supporting our brain health. If you were looking for a good reason to build more social enjoyment into your calendar, your brain’s health is a compelling one!
  • Protect the quality of your sleep. Yes, it can be difficult to sleep well through the night during menopause – but it’s worth trying every strategy you can to protect these necessary hours of rest. Sleep plays an important role in rejuvenating the brain, helping to consolidate memories and remove toxins on a daily basis.

How to begin HRT

Finding the right form of hormone replacement therapy requires careful expertise, personalised consideration, and a holistic understanding of your symptoms and hormonal needs. At the Australian Menopause Centre, we work closely with each of our patients on an individualised basis to prescribe the appropriate treatment for each set of symptoms. Our doctors build a complex understanding of medical histories before prescribing body-identical hormone replacements that are designed to relieve your symptoms and support your cognitive health. 

With regular check-ins, our team remains by your side to make sure you’re getting the best results from your treatment program, including making necessary variations to your dose. 


The health of your brain is too important not to prioritise. Even with the fluctuating changes brought on by menopause, HRT offers a powerful way to give your health the support it needs for longevity and a high quality of wellbeing. We’re here to empower you to live with the fullness you deserve, throughout menopause and all that lies beyond!

About The Author - AMC Team

Our team consists of doctors, nurses, program assistants, naturopaths and nutritionists that join their wealth of knowledge to offer our patients and website visitors interesting and insightful articles to assist you understand the symptoms you are experiencing and how to relieve them.

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