Oct 16, 2017 Diet & Nutrition Samantha Mainland 86 views

Are you getting the real deal?

Manuka is well known for its super star status as a ‘superfood’. Just ask Google, and you will find that manuka is excellent for almost everything –from digestive issues and allergies, to staph infections and skin blemishes. But is all the hype worth the money?

Fortunately, the manuka tree has a long and strong traditional history. Its medicinal use dates back centuries and is traced to the Maoris utilising the leaves and bark for things like head colds, urinary problems, burns and fevers. Captain James Cook was even identified as a fan of the tree, with journals showing that in the 1700’s he commonly used the leaves for tea. So, this long and strong, documented history helps to justify the hype.

You may have noticed, manuka honey has come back into fashion, but now science has caught on to the potential of this age-old gem.

It has only just been the last couple of decades that scientists and practitioners have identified the therapeutic properties and stand out features of this plant. Manuka honey contains a unique and vital component called methylglyoxal (MGO). Methylglyoxal has been identified as the superstar of manuka honey, with several studies finding that the distinct antibacterial benefits of manuka honey is directly linked to the amount of MGO it contains.(1, 2)

This MGO (methylglyoxal) substance is the key to identifying the fakes from the real deal.

I know what you are thinking; doesn’t all honey have some kind of health benefit? Yes, all honeys have some level of anti-bacterial potential however, these qualities quickly disappear when the compounds are exposed to stomach acids and the internal human environment. Fortunately, the MGO in manuka honey remains stable, making MGO manuka honey far superior to other honeys, and a rich medicinal honey pot.

Modern medicine has recognised the benefits and use manuka honey in their wound dressings. Have you caught on? We have! We now have access to the beautiful, native and rich, Tasmanian manuka honey.

Speak to the Australian Menopause Centre for access to the real deal.  Call us now on 1300 883 405 or email us on info@menopausecentre.com.au 

  1. Adams CJ, Boult CH, Deadman BJ, Farr JM, Grainger MN, Manley-Harris M, et al. Isolation by HPLC and characterisation of the bioactive fraction of New Zealand manuka (Leptospermum scoparium) honey. Carbohydrate research. 2008;343(4):651-9.
  2. Mavric E, Wittmann S, Barth G, Henle T. Identification and quantification of methylglyoxal as the dominant antibacterial constituent of Manuka (Leptospermum scoparium) honeys from New Zealand. Molecular nutrition & food research. 2008;52(4):483-9.

About The Author - Samantha Mainland

Samantha is a highly educated Naturopath having graduated from both Southern Cross University with a Bachelor of Naturopathy, and University of Tasmania with a Bachelor of Medicine Management with Professional Honours in Complementary Medicine.

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