Feb 21, 2023 Diet & Nutrition News Recipes Wellness Tips AMC Team 798 views

Choose a Sugar-Free Dessert This Summer to Support Your Menopausal Experience

Australian summers are unbeatable: beautiful days at the beach, lingering dusks, rich sunsets and moments we treasure year-round.

They’re also rarely forgiving when it comes to heat, humidity and the impact on our everyday comfort!

If you live in a part of Australia susceptible to ongoing summer heat, you’ll know all too well how much of a challenge it can be to stay cool and comfortable. Deciding what to eat during this season is often less about taste and more about ‘what will get me out of the kitchen the fastest?’

Summer’s also a popular time of year for new desserts and sweet treats, with a wide range of rich summer fruits in season and long dinner parties that can call for another course. We’ve rounded up some of the best sugar-free summer desserts that will keep you coming back for more without the risk of triggering menopausal symptoms.


How does sugar impact menopause symptoms?

The amount of sugar we eat can significantly impact the intensity and frequency of menopausal symptoms. As high levels of sugar can lead to increases in insulin resistance, this can often trigger weight gain and have a negative impact on hot flushes. While this is one of the more obvious reasons for cutting down on sugar during menopause, others include:

  • An increase in your stress. High blood glucose levels act as a stressor on our bodies through the way they increase cortisol. High cortisol can lead to a reduction in the production of progesterone, likely contributing to hormone imbalances that may prompt heavier bleeds and more irregularity throughout perimenopause. Cortisol can also negatively impact mood swings, increasing the likelihood of anxiety and hot flushes throughout the day.
  • A decrease in your energy. As sugar moves quickly through the body, this can impact your thyroid’s ability to function as efficiently as possible. As the thyroid is responsible for setting your metabolic rate, you’re likely to experience higher levels of fatigue when it’s out of order or working at reduced capacity.


The benefits of sugar-free desserts

Thankfully, there are plenty of alternatives when it comes to avoiding sugar in desserts. Sugar-free desserts can also bring a number of benefits with them: they not only reduce the amount of sugar we ingest but also contribute positively to different health outcomes.

Sugar-free desserts are often lower in calories than their refined-sugar counterparts. This makes them a great choice for those who are looking to maintain a healthy weight or lose weight, helping to satiate sweet cravings without impacting weight maintenance abilities. With alternative sweeteners or natural sweeteners providing healthier sources of the ‘sweet’ factor, incorporating sugar-free desserts can be a smart move as a part of an overall healthy eating plan.

These desserts can also be more suitable for those with diabetes, blood sugar issues or chronic health conditions. As menopause can lead to significant health challenges, foods that support daily health and wellbeing are crucial in this life season.


Our top pick: Salted Chocolate Cashew Ice Cream

We’ve found a brilliant sugar-free recipe for the ice cream and chocolate lovers in the house. This salted chocolate cashew ice cream is rich, creamy and delicious, all without a drop of processed sugar in the ingredients!



350g frozen banana

50g raw cashews

1-2 tablespoons cacao

Extra chopped nuts for garnishing

Pinch pink Himalayan salt, Murray river salt or Celtic sea salt



Place bananas, nuts, cacao and salt into a high-speed blender and blend on high until creamy.

Transfer to a bowl and add the remaining chopped nuts and stir through.

Serve immediately.


Health Benefits

This recipe is a great example of how a simple sugar-free dessert can provide hidden health benefits. 

Firstly, the bananas that form the basis of this ‘nice cream’ are high in potassium. This electrolyte is essential for balancing fluid in the body. For women who are experiencing higher degrees of sweating during summer due to menopause, potassium is one mineral that’s likely to be depleted, making bananas a great source of additional mineral support.

Cashews also offer numerous health benefits. High in Omega 3 fats, cashews can help to fight inflammation and provide antioxidants that can help to manage blood pressure and cholesterol and the maintenance of a healthy heart. Their protein and fibre content are also useful in helping to maintain a healthy weight level. As they contain oxalates, it’s important to consume them in moderate amounts to avoid contributing to kidney stones. 

Of course, the health benefits of cacao are widely known – we’ve already done a deep dive here! By topping it off with a pinch of Himalayan salt, Murray River salt or Celtic sea salt, you can also benefit from support in electrolyte balance and assistance in fluid retention. 

This recipe can be easily adapted to include your favourite toppings, bringing even more health benefits with them. Fresh fruits, nuts, seeds or coconut flakes can all add an individual spin on this delicious dessert, providing great sources of nutrition in a fun, easy dessert-sized snack.


Supporting your health over the summer months

Alongside careful consideration of your sugar intake, you can support your health over the hot summer months in a range of easy ways:

  • Stay hydrated – by drinking at least eight glasses of water per day, you can protect your body from dehydration as a result of increased sweat.
  • Maintain regular exercise – consider indoor activities such as yoga, Pilates or class workouts if it’s too hot to maintain a regular outdoor exercise schedule.
  • Protect your sleep – while it can be harder to sleep in the hotter months, a good night’s sleep is crucial to your ongoing health and wellbeing. Fans and air-conditioners can provide the cool breeze you need to maintain sleep levels throughout the summer.

Find more support for your menopause journey at the Australian Menopause Centre. 

About The Author - AMC Team

Our team consists of doctors, nurses, program assistants, naturopaths and nutritionists that join their wealth of knowledge to offer our patients and website visitors interesting and insightful articles to assist you understand the symptoms you are experiencing and how to relieve them.

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