Oct 16, 2017 Diet & Nutrition Samantha Mainland 116 views

Are you having trouble with weight? Are you slightly concerned about your weight, but not enough to start a diet over-haul? Check out these easy tips to slot into your routine!

  • Reduce your appetite with fibre. Fibre expands in your stomach and makes you feel full. Some appetite suppressants use a fibre as their hero ingredient! Get your hands on some fibre via your diet, or via your local health food shop or pharmacy.
  • Digest your food with apple cider vinegar. Add some apple cider vinegar to warm water and drink before meals. This helps improve digestion, makes your food available as fuel, and reduces your cravings! Caution to those with a stomach ulcer.
  • Increase your metabolism with Chilli. Chilli increases your temperature and is believed to boost your metabolism. Caution to those with overheating!
  • Increase your incidental exercise. Park further away, take the stairs, walk to the shops, walk your neighbours dog, play ball with the kids. Move, move, move!
  • Stomach bulge? Clench and activate your stomach muscles 5-10x every morning before you get out of bed and every evening before you go to sleep. Suck your belly button down to your spine, hold, release, repeat. Easy!
  • Write it down – Write down everything that goes into your mouth (food and drink) for 1 week. A lot of people would be quite surprised with what is written.
  • Put your knife and fork down between every bite. Allow time for your food to go from your mouth to your stomach. There is about a 20min delay from when you put in your mouth, to when it hits your stomach – making it very easy to over eat.
  • Change the dinner plates to bread plates. Serve less food for yourself and you’ll find that you eat less, and feel satisfied!
  • Move your meals away from the tv. Mindless eating is a real thing, especially when you’re eating in front of the television.

Start doing these tips and let us know how you go! You should be quite surprised.

About The Author - Samantha Mainland

Samantha is a highly educated Naturopath having graduated from both Southern Cross University with a Bachelor of Naturopathy, and University of Tasmania with a Bachelor of Medicine Management with Professional Honours in Complementary Medicine.

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