Jul 30, 2018 Movement & Exercise Samantha Mainland 18 views
  1. Try quick workouts – Who said you had to do all your exercise at once? Try quick 10min routines throughout the day. Total 30mins and you are on your way!
  2. Incidental exercise – Don’t forget to include your general activity – walking those stairs, walking to the bus station, vacuuming. Even better, park further away, take the stairs and do some street laps in your lunch break.
  3. Get a pedometer – whether it is a Fitbit or a mobile phone, both can count your steps. Having a goal and aiming for that goal is an excellent motivator. The magic number seems to be 10,000 steps per day – how many do you do?
  4. Get a friend involved – not only does this mean that your friend benefits too, but it can take the ‘work’ out of working out. Setting a date or finding time to work out with a friend sets you up for success – it’s one thing skipping out on your own promises, skipping out on a friend? So much worse!
  5. Set specific, achievable goals – be realistic, don’t set yourself up for failure and don’t be upset if you’re not ‘bikini ready’ after the first week. Setting achievable, specific goals can help to keep you on track… Make a promise to yourself (‘I will exercise for 15mins before I leave for work on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays’), write it down, stick to it.
  6. Reward yourself – not with food! Think of some nice luxuries that may motivate you to stay on track. A trip to the beach, a manicure, date night etc., choose what suits your fancy.
  7. Use visual cues – change your phone wallpaper, put your joggers at the door, hang that lovely dress on your door – do what it takes to remind you that you have a goal, and what that goal is.
  8. Get an exercise ‘prescription’ – sounds crazy, but it’s an excellent idea. Speak to an exercise physiologist so that they can measure your fitness and prescribe an intensity that is right for you. If you have any injuries, it’s always an excellent idea to speak to the professionals first, get an idea of what exercises you can do, and perfect that technique. Last thing you want is another injury.

About The Author - Samantha Mainland

Samantha is a highly educated Naturopath having graduated from both Southern Cross University with a Bachelor of Naturopathy, and University of Tasmania with a Bachelor of Medicine Management with Professional Honours in Complementary Medicine.

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