Feb 1, 2018 Wellness Tips Samantha Mainland 157 views

Whilst these tips are fantastic for increasing your levels, they should also be used to maintain your iron levels. If you are still menstruating, you need to keep an eye on your iron levels and ensure you are getting enough. If you are vegetarian or vegan, you need to be extra careful, and ensure you are getting this vital mineral.

  1. Time your cups of tea
    • Tea (especially black and green tea) contain tannins. Tannins are fantastic at blocking your absorption of iron (not so fantastic if you want to increase or maintain your iron levels). Enjoy your cups of tea away from meals.
  2. Eat meat. If you want to.
    • And in moderation. Lean meat such as chicken, kangaroo, beef and pork, along with lamb, salmon and tuna all contain great levels of easy to absorb iron.
  3. Mix and match
    • Enjoying some vitamin C with your iron enhances your iron absorption. Ensure you get some capsicum, kiwi fruit, orange juice, broccoli or snow peas with your meat.
  4. Eat some organs
    • Sounds a little exotic, but organ meats are extremely nutritious. Liver, kidneys, brain and heart are all high in iron, and often available at your local supermarket.
  5. Enjoy plant-based foods
    • Plant based foods such as vegetables, beans and legumes contain iron. Granted it is inferior to the iron found in meat, but it is still beneficial, and vital for those who do not eat meat.
  6. Fortified foods are an option
    • If you are stuck for options, read the labels. Certain cereals, breads, pastas and other grain products can be fortified with iron, giving you a nice boost.
  7. Pull out the cast iron skillet
    • Simmering acidic foods on a cast iron skillet can significantly increase the iron content of that meal. If you have one, consider cooking your tomatoes on the cast iron skillet.
  8. Use a supplement
    • If you are iron deficient, consider a supplement. Iron supplements should only be used when they are needed. Once replete, tailor your diet to maintain that healthy iron level.

About The Author - Samantha Mainland

Samantha is a highly educated Naturopath having graduated from both Southern Cross University with a Bachelor of Naturopathy, and University of Tasmania with a Bachelor of Medicine Management with Professional Honours in Complementary Medicine.

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