Jun 22, 2015 Wellness Tips AMC Team 239 views


Menopause is a natural part of the ageing process, and a transition period that no woman can escape from. While menopause affects different women in different ways, most dread the time when they first start experiencing symptoms. There’s no quick fix as this is a journey, however understanding your body and preparing yourself for the next stage of your life is a great way to ease yourself into it and even embrace this period.

1. Accept it

Menopause is a natural part of life, and something that all women experience. The first step is to accept this fact and respect that it cannot be stopped, reversed, or avoided. This will make the journey significantly easier. Menopause is nothing to be feared, but something to be understood and experienced.

2. Get educated

Learn about the science behind menopause. This can help you put it into perspective and better understand the changes that are occurring within your body. Learning about the general health issues and risks as you enter this new chapter in your life will also help you understand what you should and shouldn’t be doing in order to stay healthy.

3. Have a blood test

A blood test is important for determining your hormonal levels, however, in the early stages of menopause, may not be reliable.  As it is important we do a blood test for you in the early days of your treatment program, the doctor will discuss with you when the timing of a blood test is most reliable for your stage of menopause.

4. Maintain a healthy diet

Healthy eating should start as early on in life as possible, as there’s no substitute for a nutritious diet. By eating healthy and being good to your body, the onset of menopause can be made easier, as your body is in a good place with good nutritional balance. This can make for a smoother menopause experience.

5. Exercise

Exercise is vital, not just during menopause but in all stages of your life. The fitter and healthier you are, the higher chances you have of a smoother transition into menopause. Cardiovascular exercise will keep your heart healthy, and resistance or weight training will help build and maintain muscle mass and bone density. Bone density is particularly important as oestrogen levels fall during menopause, which means that bone production also falls. Ensuring you have strong bones before the onset of menopause will improve your chances of keeping osteoporosis at bay.

6. Don’t smoke

This is an obvious consideration for all stages of life, but some studies have shown that women who smoke can experience earlier onsets of menopause, as well as heightened symptoms such as hot flushes. Furthermore, smoking is bad for your general health and it’s best to avoid it – menopause could be the excuse you need to finally beat the habit.

7. Relax

Stress can lead to amplified symptoms during menopause. Learning to deal with stress early on in life can not only improve your ability to live a happy life, but also lessen the impacts of menopause. Everyone has different responses to stress, so finding out what works for you will do wonders for your overall physical and emotional wellbeing when menopause comes rolling along.

Menopause is nothing to be feared, and preparing for it will make the journey much easier. No matter how old you are, taking the necessary steps as early on in life as possible will give you a head start for this important transition. Establishing good health, eating, and exercise habits will serve as a great foundation for a happy life in the long term, menopause or no menopause!

About The Author - AMC Team

Our team consists of doctors, nurses, program assistants, naturopaths and nutritionists that join their wealth of knowledge to offer our patients and website visitors interesting and insightful articles to assist you understand the symptoms you are experiencing and how to relieve them.

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